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instagram 電腦版下載

instagram 電腦版下載

instagram 是許多人喜歡使用的手機社群分享服務,它提供非常好用的照片與影片的社群交流平台,雖然已經被 Facebook 收購,但使用人數仍不斷的上升中,覺得 Facebook 的訊息過於雜亂的朋友不妨試試 instagram,也許您會有新的發現也不一定。本篇介紹的是電腦上也能使用的 instagram for Chrome 插件。

Instagram for Chrome:下載請點我 (限Chrome瀏覽器)


Check your Instagram notifications quickly and easily right from your Chrome toolbar. Please leave comments and suggestions in the reviews or support section and we will reply and try to include as many new features as possible.

This Instagram for Chrome uses the Instagram(tm) API and is not endorsed or certified by Instagram or Burbn, inc. All Instagram(tm) logoes and trademarks displayed on this chrome extension are property of Burbn, inc.

☆☆ Changes & Updates ☆☆
6.0.2 – Added the news feed back in!
6 – Instagram got rid of many features of their API, but we’re working through the night to get around that!