分類: 免費軟體

網路監控軟體 NetMeter 免安裝中文版

網路監控軟體 NetMeter 免安裝中文版

NetMeter是一個強大和容易的網路流量監控器。它同時監視一個或者多個LAN和WAN網路流量。它能實時圖形化和數字化網路流量細節。它記錄所有網路流量並帶有額外日誌功能和流量事件。Net Meter在各種網路連接下可工作,包括DSL,modem,LAN等。


  • Customizable graph window which can react to mouse movement by fading in or out
  • Graph window can be made ‘transparent’ for mouse inputs so clicks get passed on to underlying control elements
  • Support for Logitech’s G19 and G15 keyboard LCD displays. On the G19 display the graph is identical to the standard graph window. On the G15 a simplified graph is being displayed with upload on the top and download on the lower half of the screen.
  • Graph window can be minimized to system tray and to a Logitech LCD

目前版本:Evo 2.0.0

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